
What Does A Comprehensive Oral Hygiene Plan At Home Mean?  

Children from a young age learn to brush their teeth. As people age, they learn why brushing is important. With regular visits to your dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA, you may have picked up information here and there about how plaque and tartar can accumulate when brushing is not done often enough. But for those who are serious about dental care, what does a comprehensive oral hygiene plan at home actually mean?


Your brushing routine is just as important as how you brush. Every time you eat you should brush afterward. That includes brushing after snacking. You also need to brush first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed at night. This is the best way to get rid of debris and bacteria that accumulates in the mouth and on your teeth.


The kind of floss you use doesn’t matter as much as how often you floss. You should floss before and after you brush. Floss before to loosen debris in between teeth so it can be brushed away. Floss after to get rid of debris that might have been missed by your toothbrush.

Tongue Cleaning

Bacteria can build up on your tongue as well as your teeth. Use a designated tongue scraping device at least once a day, after brushing and before rinsing.


Sometimes people skip this important step because they figure that they “rinsed” toothpaste out of their mouth. But rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash is that one extra step that can kill bacteria and get rid of microscopic particles that may be harmful to your teeth. Rinsing should always be the last step after brushing and flossing.

Your dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA, is an essential part of your oral hygiene. But taking care of these steps at home increases your chances for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Contact us to book your appointment today.



5 Benefits of Routine Dental Checkups

While it’s important to visit your doctor as a preventive measure for your physical health, the same goes for your teeth and gums. By scheduling routine dental checkups, you can experience whiter teeth, less discomfort, fewer dental issues, and better overall dental health.

But that’s not all! In this post, we’ll discuss even more benefits of having routine dental checkups. We’ll also talk about who to call for dependable dental exams and teeth cleaning in Rancho Mirage, CA.

Detects Oral Health Problems Early

Dental complications can often go unnoticed—even serious ones. However, by visiting your dentist on a routine basis, the doctor can detect these issues early on. That can save you from the hassle, discomfort, and high dental bills.

Prevents Issues from Worsening

If you fail to see the dentist at least once a year, you could have a few dental issues. When you neglect these visits, these problems can become much worse. For example, if you don’t receive treatment for a cavity, it can eventually turn into a root canal. This procedure is often time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes painful. That said, visit your dentist routinely to prevent dental problems from worsening!

Advice On Improving Dental Health

When you visit the dentist regularly, you can learn more about improving your dental health. As your dentist understands your specific dental needs, they can offer tips on how to make improvements.

A Professional Clean

While brushing and flossing do an excellent job at removing plaque and tartar, this doesn’t compare to the heavy-duty solutions at your local dentist. These experts have the tools and experience to provide a deep clean. This helps to keep a bright, healthy smile and can also lead to fewer dental problems down the road.

Can Save You Money

If you fail to visit the dentist, you could experience costly dental complications. In fact, some of these issues can cost you thousands to fix. While dental checkups do cost a small fee, this offering is far cheaper than root canals, dental implants, and other specialized treatments.

Interested in a dental checkup and professional cleaning? If so, look no further than Cros Dental! We’re happy to have an experienced, trusted dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA. Call us today to make an appointment!



Summer Tooth Care Tips

Summer is coming, and when it does, you may be eating a variety of summer-y foods. Barbecue, corn on the cob and other summer delights may taste good, but they aren’t always great for your teeth! Knowing how to take care of your teeth can help ensure that you can enjoy your summer favorites while also taking care of your pearly whites.

Most important is to remember that your dentist in Rancho Mirage CA can help you take care of your teeth. Keep up with your dental exams at this time of year!

Bring Floss With You To Barbecues

From ribs to corn on the cob, there are a lot of foods that can get stuck between your teeth at barbecues. Bringing floss with you to outdoor summer events ensures that you have some way to get rid of food between your teeth before it starts to break down.

Swish With Water After Eating Staining Foods

Some summer foods are particularly staining on teeth. Some examples of summer foods that are bad for your teeth include barbecue sauce, berries, iced tea and iced coffee, red wine, ketchup and anything else that’s acidic. Drinking water after eating staining foods can clean out your mouth a little until you have time to clean your mouth with toothpaste.

Avoid Chewing Ice

Chewing ice is bad for your teeth, especially if you have braces, crowns or veneers. When your glass of cold iced tea is finished, don’t chew the ice. Instead, fill your glass with some ice water and drink up!

See Your Dentist

You should be seeing your dentist for a dental exam in Rancho Mirago CA every six months. Seeing your dentist can help you keep your teeth clean and can get rid of any bacteria between your teeth. For more information about how you can take care of your teeth this summer, contact Cros Dental to make an appointment.


Are Fluoride Rinses Really Effective? 

Fluoride mouthwashes can be effective in stopping dental issues. Some of these issues, like dry mouth, may occur because of other medical concerns. At other times, other dental procedures can cause the problem. Using special fluoride rinses can be a great addition to your dental routine, as your Rancho Mirage, CA dentist will tell you.

Dry Mouth

Your body uses saliva to keep your teeth clean naturally, but there will be times in your life when you suffer from a dry mouth. In fact, people taking certain medications routinely suffer from dry mouth. When it occurs, using a fluoride mouthwash helps provide your teeth with another layer of protection against dental problems.

Gum Recession

When gums recede, this can cause your roots to become exposed. While some treatments for gum diseases can leave roots exposed, even brushing with a too-hard toothbrush can cause this issue. If you suffer from exposed teeth roots, using a fluoride mouthwash may help.

Orthodontic Braces

It can be tricky to reach every part of your teeth when you wear braces. If you don’t, then decalcification can occur. Once the dentist removes the braces, you may discover that your teeth are no longer a uniform color. Using a fluoride mouthwash can help stop this process.

Dental Work

When fillings, crowns and bridges are required to correct dental issues, they can set up more rapid tooth decay if you do not take steps to protect your teeth. Brushing is the first line of defense, but it may not be enough. Using a fluoride mouthwash provides a secondary defense to stopping more significant issues from occurring.

Of course, using a fluoride rinse is not a substitute for visiting your Rancho Mirage, CA dentist at least once every six months. It’s vital to take great care of your teeth, and that starts with getting regular dental checkups. During your visit, your doctor may recommend that you use a fluoride rinse on a regular basis.


3 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth Through the Holidays 

From family dinners and yummy treats to time away from home and regular routines, the holidays can be a little hard on your oral health. However, with a little guidance from a general dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA, you can return from your holiday excursions without a bit of concern for the health of your smile. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as the holidays approach.

1. Keep a travel-sized oral care kit in your car or suitcase

Travel-sized oral care kits should include:

  • A toothbrush or two
  • A small tube of toothpaste
  • Flossers
  • A small bottle of mouthwash (optional)

When you have everything you need on hand, it will be less likely that you are stuck using a finger to brush your teeth in the guest bathroom when you are away from home.

2. Limit sweet treats at bedtime when visiting family

Most of us have stayed with family at some point during the holidays. These holiday gatherings can be an opportunity to catch up until late at night while nibbling on whatever sweet treats are still hanging around after dinner. If you don’t have a toothbrush with you, keep the sugary treats to a minimum.

3. Watch out for sugary beverages

Some common holiday beverages can have a terrible amount of sugar, such as:

If you know you won’t be able to brush for a while, opt for water, and if you do indulge, be sure to grab your travel oral care supplies before bed.

Work with a Rancho Mirage Dentist for a Proactive Oral Health Care Plan

Even though you are bound to do a little indulging through the holiday months, you can still walk away with a healthy smile. Need a little help from a Rancho Mirage dentist? Reach out to us at Cros Dental to schedule an appointment.


4 Helpful Questions to Ask At Your Next Dental Appointment

Your visit to the dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA is your opportunity to learn more about how you can take care of your teeth – and what you can do to improve your dental hygiene routine. Knowing which questions to ask your dentist can make the experience more productive. If you’re visiting the dentist soon, here’s what you should ask the dentist when you see each other.

1. How Can I Keep My Teeth White?

Stains on tooth enamel happen over time through natural exposure to various foods and beverages like wine, coffee, barbecue sauce, tomato sauce and more. You don’t have to stop eating your favorite foods or drinking your favorite drinks to keep your teeth white. There are many things your dentist can do to help. Ask your dentist about tooth whitening services in Rancho Mirage.

2. Is My Oral Hygiene Routine Enough?

Sometimes brushing twice per day and flossing once per day isn’t enough. If your teeth are developing problems like plaque buildup, asking about your oral hygiene habits may prompt a discussion about small things you can do to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Your dentist may show you how to brush your teeth more effectively, or how to improve your flossing technique.

3. Are There Any Areas of Concern In My Oral Health?

Your dentist should bring this up with you anyway, but asking about your oral health provides an opening into this very important topic of discussion.

4. When Should I Come Back?

Most people need to visit the dentist twice per year. Ask your dentist when you should return, so you’ll know when to make your next dentist appointment. For more information about how you can take care of your oral hygiene, make your appointment for a general cleaning today.


Is Using Mouthwash Essential?

When you engage in a daily oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing, you may think that’s all you need. Although that’s true for the most part, your dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA wants you to know that adding mouthwash into the routine may provide additional benefits. While mouthwash is not necessarily essential, it sometimes is helpful for people who have certain from medical conditions related to their teeth.

Mouthwash May Reduce Bacteria

Regular use of mouthwash can reduce the amount of bacteria inside your mouth, which in turn lessens the amount of dental plaque that forms on your teeth. Also, using mouthwash on a routine basis can help to reduce your chances of developing periodontal disease.

Prescription Mouthwashes

In some instances where people might suffer from certain medical conditions, your Rancho Mirage, CA dentist may prescribe specialized mouthwashes to be used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing. These mouthwashes contain certain ingredients that can assist with conditions related to dry mouth, periodontal disease, tooth sensitivity and more.

Fresher Breath

If you have chronic bad breath, it’s likely that you have some kind of dental issue going on. In that case, only professional teeth cleaning in Rancho Mirage, CA will help. In the meantime, though, you may benefit from using mouthwash because it will temporarily give fresher breath and a clean taste in your mouth.


Finally, if you’re on the fence as to whether or not to add mouthwash to your daily oral hygiene routine, the American Dental Association states that the “use of mouthwash may be a helpful addition for some people.” This, coupled with most dentists choosing to recommend the use of mouthwash during morning and evening brushing sessions, is a strong indicator of just how important mouthwash can be to keeping your teeth and gums in great shape.

To learn more about the benefits of mouthwash, schedule a dental checkup and talk to your dentist.


A Look at the Important Nutrients Necessary for a Healthy Smile

Ever wondered which foods you should eat to keep your smile healthy? The answer lies in the nutrients found in certain foods that can encourage healthy bones and keep your gums and teeth strong. Here is a look at some of the most important nutrients for your smile.


Did you know that most of the calcium found within the human body is concentrated in the bones and teeth? The protective enamel on your teeth is also made of calcium, which can erode with exposure to acidic foods and sugars. Therefore, calcium is essential to maintain the strength of your teeth and the jawbones that support them.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is actually closely related to tooth loss and gum disease. In fact, a lack of vitamin D can make you more prone to tooth decay because vitamin D plays a role in the mineralization of the teeth.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important to the body for so many reasons, but it can also be valuable to your oral health. This vitamin is both an antioxidant and a component in the process of collagen production, both of which can support the soft tissues in your mouth.


A lack of phosphorous in your diet can actually make you more prone to sustaining chips or cracks in your teeth. This is because phosphorous actually supports calcium to keep your teeth and bones as strong as possible.

Keep Your Dental Health in Check with a Rancho Mirage Dentist

Just as the rest of your body relies on vital nutrients to function and stay healthy, so do your teeth and gums. Beyond eating a well-balanced diet and ensuring you give your teeth what they need, be sure to work with a Rancho Mirage dentist to closely monitor your oral health. Reach out to us at Cros Dental to schedule an appointment.

Common Holiday Treats That Are Hard on Your Teeth

Common Holiday Treats That Are Hard on Your Teeth

With the holiday season in full swing, now is a good time to be aware of some common holiday treats that are hard on your teeth. Continue reading for helpful hints from our Rancho Mirage dentist team so you can keep your teeth and gums happy well into the New Year.

Favorite Holiday Treats That Are Tough on Teeth

Your favorite holiday foods may taste great, but they can also cause unexpected problems. For example, sugary sweets and beverages attract bacteria. These bacteria feed on the sugary residue left on your teeth and produce acid that wears down enamel and contributes to dental decay.Hard and sticky holiday sweets, like candy canes and caramels, can easily get stuck between your teeth or even crack a tooth or crown (same goes for popcorn and nuts).Even wine and other types of alcohol aren’t great for your teeth and gums. Alcoholic beverages are often sugary or acidic. Alcohol can also cause dehydration and reduce saliva production, further contributing to tooth decay.

3 Tips for Protecting Your Dental Health During the Holidays

  1. Maintain your normal brushing and flossing routine. We know the holidays can wear you out. But neglecting basic oral care habits leads to short-term and long-term damage. In fact, plaque begins to harden into tartar in just 24 hours—and tartar can only be removed by your dentist.
  2. Speaking of the dentist…be sure to schedule a check-up if you’re due. Regular dental exams keep your teeth clean and help us detect and address oral health problems early on.
  3. Enjoy your holiday favorites in moderation, fill up on plenty of nutrient-rich whole foods, and always brush your teeth after enjoying a special treat!

Ready for a healthy holiday season? Call Cros Dental at 760.444.3202 to schedule a dental exam in Rancho Mirage, CA.


Say Goodbye to Your Dental Stains

Has your smile gradually become duller over the years? The problem may be due to stains from foods and beverages. Dentists Dr. Ray teeth whitening Cros and Dr. Sheri Cros of Cros Dental in Rancho Mirage, CA and serving Palm Desert, explain how teeth whitening can remove stubborn stains and brighten your smile.

Strong whitening agents dissolve stains

Dark pigments found in tobacco products or certain foods or beverages tend to stain teeth. These small pigments become stuck in tiny pores in your tooth enamel and can’t be removed simply by brushing your teeth. You may be more likely to develop stains if you regularly drink tea, coffee, cola or wine, or eat foods that contain dark pigments, such as berries, tomato sauce or popsicles.

Thanks to the stain-busting properties of hydrogen peroxide, your teeth will become up to eight shades lighter in just one whitening session in our Rancho Mirage office. Hydrogen peroxide, applied to your teeth as a gel, breaks apart stain-causing pigments. Although hydrogen peroxide is found in both over-the-counter and professional whiteners, professional whiteners contain stronger formulations of the chemical compound.

Teeth whitening is a simple process

Before we whiten your teeth, we’ll perform a thorough dental examination. Since problems with your teeth increase the risk of sensitivity, this step is essential for your comfort. It will also ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment if you happen to have a cavity or other dental issues. You’ll also receive a dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. If these substances remain on your teeth, your smile may look speckled after whitening.

After your teeth are cleaned, a protective gel will be applied to your gums and roots, and retractors will be used to draw your lips and cheeks away from your teeth during your whitening session. These precautions help reduce the risk of sensitivity.

At-home whitening is also available. If you choose this option, you’ll receive custom-made whitening trays and a supply of whitening gel.

In most cases, the effects of whitening will last two or three years. Avoiding smoking and the foods and beverages that cause stains may help your smile stay whiter even longer.

Ready to whiten your smile? Call dentists Drs. Ray and Sheri Cros of Cros Dental in Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert, CA, at (760) 444-3202 to schedule an appointment.