4 Helpful Questions to Ask At Your Next Dental Appointment

Your visit to the dentist in Rancho Mirage, CA is your opportunity to learn more about how you can take care of your teeth – and what you can do to improve your dental hygiene routine. Knowing which questions to ask your dentist can make the experience more productive. If you’re visiting the dentist soon, here’s what you should ask the dentist when you see each other.

1. How Can I Keep My Teeth White?

Stains on tooth enamel happen over time through natural exposure to various foods and beverages like wine, coffee, barbecue sauce, tomato sauce and more. You don’t have to stop eating your favorite foods or drinking your favorite drinks to keep your teeth white. There are many things your dentist can do to help. Ask your dentist about tooth whitening services in Rancho Mirage.

2. Is My Oral Hygiene Routine Enough?

Sometimes brushing twice per day and flossing once per day isn’t enough. If your teeth are developing problems like plaque buildup, asking about your oral hygiene habits may prompt a discussion about small things you can do to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Your dentist may show you how to brush your teeth more effectively, or how to improve your flossing technique.

3. Are There Any Areas of Concern In My Oral Health?

Your dentist should bring this up with you anyway, but asking about your oral health provides an opening into this very important topic of discussion.

4. When Should I Come Back?

Most people need to visit the dentist twice per year. Ask your dentist when you should return, so you’ll know when to make your next dentist appointment. For more information about how you can take care of your oral hygiene, make your appointment for a general cleaning today.