When Do You Need a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Deep cleaning of your teeth, when you first hear about it, sounds like it could hurt. But, it is something that usually needs to be done if you have missed a few trips to your dentist. Of course, it can be done entirely pain-free.

It is usually a specific treatment conducted by your favorite dental hygienist as she treats your gums or periodontal disease.

When is a deep cleaning required?

No matter what you experience everyone builds up some type of plaque, but you need to know that a deep clean is not always the right answer for anyone. Use deep cleanings in the following situations:

  • Deep Pockets:  If there is more than 4 mm between your gums and tooth.
  • Not kept up professional cleanings:  If you haven’t been keeping up a dedicated dental regime of dedicated, regular professional cleaning at least twice each year.

The differences between deep cleaning and regular teeth cleaning?

To have your teeth regularly cleaned is designed for the reason of maintaining healthy gums. Healthy gums have shallow, small spaces between gums and teeth. Getting regular cleanings is recommended for the patients that have good oral health already and are not suffering from any bone loss, gum recession, bleeding gums, or infection.

Regular cleaning is designed for the maintenance of healthy gums. Healthy gums have small, shallow spaces between the teeth and gums. Regular cleanings are recommended for patients who generally have good oral health and do not suffer from bone loss, bleeding gums, gum recession, or infection.

Getting a deep cleaning is needed if you notice that your gums start to bleed when you are flossing. It means that your gums have already become irritated and the pockets have probably gotten deeper than 3 mm. If you start to notice you have these symptoms, see your dentist as soon as you can because you might have gingivitis or inflammation. If you have mild gum disease and do not have it treated, it can cause more severe ailments to develop like periodontitis along with other health issues.

What does a deep clean entail?

  • Scaling: Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth and the pocket area between the teeth and gums
  • Root planning: Your hygienist will use a scaling instrument to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the roots of your teeth.

What happens if you don’t get a deep dental cleaning?

If you are noticing sensitivity, bleeding gums or inflammation, it’s crucial that you find a dentist in your area to check your gums and do a thorough examination before things get worse. Your dentist will probably recommend a deep cleaning if the space between your tooth and gum (called a pocket) is more than four millimeters deep. An infected tooth is not only a risk to your smile; oral infections can lead to abscesses, heart disease, or much worse.

Treatment and aftercare:

Once the food particles and plaque have been cleaned out, your gums will start to heal themselves and can re-form a tight seal around your teeth. The process will take six to eight weeks. If you have been selected as a candidate that needs deep cleaning, make sure you know how to keep healthy gums after having the procedure. Periodontitis is irreversible and causes bone loss making it much easier for the plaque to get back up under your gums to cause more inflammation.

If you need any of our services in this realm, feel free to visit any of our locations and speak to any of our team. We will help you in any way we can.

5 Reasons You’ll Be Glad to Brush Teeth Twice Daily

It’s an adage that eyes are the windows to the soul; then your teeth can be the gateway to your health. There is a list of health risks associated with poor oral health and a big part has to do with brushing your teeth. There some amazing facts that would urge you to brush twice daily.

What’s Going on in Your Mouth 24/7?

Your mouth is made up of more than just teeth, so good oral health goes beyond simply brushing and flossing. In addition to your teeth, your mouth is made up of gums, upper and lower jaw, tongue and salivary glands. All of these together make whatever you consume, taste and digest. So, brushing becomes more vital.

Why Just Four Minutes a Day Brushing Your Teeth Is Worth It

1. You Don’t Want Cavities

Cavities are a painful plight to go through. Removing plaque stuck from your teeth and gums would let you have a cavity-free tooth. Not taking care of teeth will lead to many dreadful consequences like the loss of teeth or root canals.

2. You Don’t Want Bad Breath

Your mouth starts to smell as a result of food remnants and if you do not clean it regularly foul breath will make its way through easily.

3. You Don’t Want Gum Disease

Gingivitis is caused by plaque build-up around your teeth, leading to swollen gums and teeth that bleed when you brush them. So your tooth needs to be cleaned off regularly to keep your mouth healthy.

4. You Don’t Want to Lose Your Teeth

Losing a tooth is very embarrassing and makes your smile flawed. Cleaning the teeth twice makes sure that you don’t have any kind of cavities or decay leading to loss of a tooth.

5. You Don’t Want to Undergo Expensive Dental Treatments

Brushing twice keeps your mouth healthy and also saves you money – prevention is better and more cost-effective than cure. Regular dental care isn’t expensive – neglecting your teeth is!

Take time to brush to have a healthy oral and overall hygiene.

7 Tips to Help Keep Your Teeth Clean Between Cleanings

When you get a dental cleaning done, don’t you enjoy the fresh feeling? However, it lasts only for a few days and you have to wait till your next cleaning. Here is a look at some tips that will help in keeping your teeth clean between the cleaning sessions.

  • Ditch Soda

If you love having soda, it can wreak havoc on your dental health. Phosphoric acid and citric acid are known for making the soda fizzy, but they also eat away your enamel making you vulnerable to cavities. You can have it occasionally, but the best thing is to stick with water explains the dentist near Rancho Mirage.

  • Cut Down on Sugar

It’s important to cut down on your sugar intake to keep your teeth clean between dental appointments. Dentist near 92270 explains that sugar promotes bacterial growth, which causes plaque. Plaque can attack your tooth enamel and gums, leading to decay.

  • Quit Smoking

Smoking can be detrimental to your overall health. Nicotine and tar in cigarettes attack your gums and increase your bacterial production. It puts you at risk of developing gum disease, says the dentist near you.

  • Use Proper Technique

It doesn’t matter how many times you brush if you use the wrong technique. It is important to hold the brush at a 45-degree angle and make circular strokes gently. You must brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes.

  • Floss

Brushing alone doesn’t remove the plaque and food debris, especially the one that accumulates between your teeth. Flossing gently once a day after brushing can help in keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

  • Don’t Over Do It

You must not brush your teeth more than 2 times a day. Also, you must not brush them aggressively or for more than 2 minutes, as it can damage your gums and tooth enamel.

  • Clean Your Teeth While You Eat

Eating food items such as raw carrots, apples, celery, and popcorn can help in cutting down on plaque. They can help in oral health maintenance along with brushing and flossing.

Teeth Cleaning-Brush up on your dental health

Teeth cleaning is extremely important for every individual to maintain good oral health and hygiene. Get the best dentist for yourself before it is too late. The dental experts at Cros Dental opine that not only daily teeth cleaning is indispensable for good oral health, but it is also important that we do it the right way.

How to clean teeth properly

  • It is important that you give your enamel some time to harden again after you eat something. In order to achieve that, brush at least 20 minutes after your eating.
  • Do not use too much toothpaste. A little amount will do just fine.
  • Brush your teeth from the top to bottom and from front to back.
  • Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle while you brush.
  • Floss daily.

Cleaning teeth with an electric toothbrush

  • Per the experts of Cros Dental, electric toothbrushes which are not very costly and are more effective may be used.
  • Clean your teeth for a fixed amount of time.
  • Take proper care of your gums.

How to clean plaque at home

There is biofilm in the mouth which builds up plaque. This biofilm is made of bacteria that feed on the sugar which we take in our diet. When this film becomes thicker, it takes the form of plaque. In order to clean the plaque, follow a properly structured dental-care routine by following certain home remedies such as flossing and regular brushing.

How to clean teeth with braces?

  • Use an electric toothbrush in case of fixed orthodontics.
  • You may also use interdental brushes.
  • Use a mirror while cleaning your teeth.
  • Wash properly around the braces.

How to clean teeth stains at home

Cleaning stains is an important part of teeth cleaning which can be taken care of by getting rid of the plaque, brushing the teeth properly and daily flossing. Do not eat sticky and hard things. You may use a whitening toothpaste or a mouthwash and take resort to home remedies as much as possible. For a professional advice, get in touch with the experts at Cros Dental.

How much do dental hygienists cost?

These services may range anything between $100 – $125. However, given the indispensable nature of dental health in our lives, it is still better than splurging on eat out junk food with friends.