
How to Save a Knocked Out Tooth

Sometimes permanent, natural teeth get knocked out for one reason or another. A tooth may be knocked in a sports impact, a vehicle accident, a human altercation or just a simple freak accident between a tooth and a drinking glass. Sometimes a knocked-out tooth can be saved. Saving a knocked-out tooth in Rancho Mirage means taking certain steps immediately after the tooth is knocked out.

Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth Gently

After you retrieve the tooth, be gentle with it. There are certain tiny fibers near the root that are integral to its survival. Pick it up by the crown, not the root.

Store in a Safe Place

The knocked-out tooth should be kept moist while in transit to the dentist’s office. Ideally, you can store the tooth in a short glass in some of your saliva. Alternatively, if the tooth is clean, you can hold it in your mouth, between your cheek and gums. If you choose this method, you must be very careful not to swallow it. You can also store it in a glass jar with some milk, distilled water or even contact lens cleaning solution. The goal is to keep the knocked-out tooth moist and sterile.

Call Your Dentist

Once you have the knocked-out tooth safely stored, call your dentist in Rancho Mirage and let them know you’re on your way there. This will give them a heads up and allow more time for them to see you right away after you arrive. If your knocked out tooth incident occurred after hours, you can also go to an emergency room for help.

There are a few options that your dentist has to save your knocked-out tooth. Taking these steps will give your tooth the best chances. Contact Cros Dental for more information.